Thursday, April 28, 2011

posing a solemn menace.

Protect our planet,escorts toronto, protect our necessities of survival: water! Water crisis of global warming the Earth is experiencing unbearable grief!!
2006 年 4 22, World Earth Day, is Fengyun own blue planet festival. a travel related to environmental protection. He believes namely this approximate tin make the political battlefield has long been neglected by the United States are concerned approximately environmental issues. the proposal, finally got the approval of President Kennedy on September .1963, eleven states in the United States President Green made a five-day junket on April 22 .1970, the nation's two thousand people heeded the premier of the environmental movement. After several annuals of uninterrupted go, Rising sea levels and other cities, you have to cut down and dwindle greenhouse gas emissions.
mean temperature rose 3 degrees over the next 30 million human fear their homes flooded. the British government's capital technological advisor, David. King has advised Sir, If administrations do no pay close attention to movement, global average temperatures will heave 3 degrees this century,shanghai massage, may cause Global 4 billion people are by the brim of starvation, and even 12-3000000000 to human existence will be immersed.
beneath How ambition feature a 20-year: universal warming, the present water crisis in the hereafter who will be depleted alternatively contaminated the universal crisis
river toward the necrosis in 250 to meet the world's first 14 published in the March 16th triennial is, by the British news resources have been seriously intimidated --- 500 important rivers in the world, at fewest half seriously depleted or polluted.
thirsty globe more than half of the rill shouting to be careful of future water wars
troubled water again convert the converge of the world water crisis, water Is only human!
species extinction crisis has emerged is to accelerate the extinction of human sinner
Earth's population is currently increasing, approaching 6.5 billion, paired with pollution, urban sprawl, deforestation and invasive category, climate change warming caused solemn damage apt the environment, animals and plants ashore the planet, posing a serious threat.
9775 kinds of birds in the world has 1,shanghai escort,212 kinds of endangered species. birds, even in the coal mine gas fear sounded high-frequency ruckus issued before the admonition whistle. 9775 kinds of birds in the world currently have 1,212 kinds of jeopardized species,beijing massage, this is a warning marking mm Earth's environmental health is deteriorating.
hh context as the conservation of people survival, because themselves,plant and climate, yet also for the behalf of future generations.

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