Friday, April 22, 2011

and enhance integrated sea management

marine economic regions in Zhejiang benefit stocks: stocks of marine economy (related to marine economy listed) List of leading shares

model of economic development of Zhejiang Ocean Planning approved
** has officially approved the regional development strategies and improve the overall situation. Ningbo Maritime affected 600,789 journal limit early moments .... Read】 【
** officially approved
new network BEIJING, March 1 Xinhua Finance Channel network from the Chinese administration was accused, ** has officially approved Building a national tactics. acceptance that the establishing of good economic model of development in Zhejiang Ocean narrated to the implementation of navy development tactics in China and enhance the overall local development strategy for a entire. **'s permission requirements, changes in the main line of economic development, to deepen the reform-driven, efforts to optimize the building of navy economy, strengthen the marine ecological culture construction, improve the competence to aid marine science and training, innovative institutional mechanisms to co-ordinate the mutual development of land and sea, and promote integrated ocean treatment, establishing overall strength of the muscular , highlight the core competencies, space delivery is rational, good ecological context ... Read】 【Stock Exchange-listed marine economy
What? model of economic development of Zhejiang Ocean Planning approved (benefit shares)
model of economic development of Zhejiang Ocean Planning List of approved code appoint plate stock-earnings (dynamic) flow of investment chief Beijing Yintai 37.25 42,337.76 600,683 002,061 44.99 13998600387 Jiangshan Chemical shares the sea more 61.31 38551.5 600671 days pate medicine --- 12,172.04 002,236 002,131 UOB shares Leo shares 61.9 57.49 4861.75 14529.51 340.81 3647 600 232 185 002 332 shares of Golden Eagle Xianju Pharmaceutical Zhejiang 600120 19994.05 53.63 38.15 50547.33 600130 ST Oriental Bird 89.78 76800300113 103.54 Shun Network Technology 1500002062 Hongrun Construction 24.81 14,626.57 61.03 5100600537 300 111 Sunflower Haitong ... Read】 【
prototype of economic development of Zhejiang Ocean space maneuvering or collective take-off acknowledge of 11 shares (with benefits listed enterprise)
[font = Times New Roman _GB2312] Editor's Note: ** has officially ratified the Today, the newspaper alternatively the stock market hot money and the cardinal depth of excavation, grab a hat put above agreeable show, then, what are the stock from that? The following is for you apt question it. [/ font] [font = Courier] [b] Ningbo wharf ( 601018) [/ b] [b]: still to harvest container, bulk solid growth [/ b] [/ font] [font = Courier] Investment Highlights: Ningbo - Zhoushan Port is the largest port and carall overput the fourth largest port container throughput. a larger proportion of vessel and majority cargo operations were reflected in the development of the hinterland of the Yangtze River cities in seven provinces exports of finished merchandise and raw matters imports trend. [... Read】 【
; ** officially approved demonstration area of ​​economic development of Zhejiang Ocean Planning
** has officially approved Building a national strategy. approval that the building of good economic model of development in Zhejiang Ocean associated to the implementation of marine development strategy of regional development and promotion of the overall strategy as a whole. **'s approval requirements, changes in the main line of economic development, to deepen the reform-driven, efforts to optimize the structure of marine economy, strengthen the marine ecological civilization construction, improve the ability to support marine science and education, innovative institutional mechanisms to co-ordinate the joint development of land and sea, and promote integrated ocean management, structure overall strength of the strong , highlight the core competencies, space allocation is reasonable, good ecological environment, institutional mechanisms and flexible development of marine economy demonstration areas, the formation of the East ... Read】 【

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