Wednesday, April 27, 2011

and while there namely sleet

In mandate to mainly protect wildlife resources and the forcible containment and deterrence Luanbulanlie havoc of wildlife resources and other criminal deeds , eliminate and prevent unlawful hunting gear on the perils and damage wildlife , and further reinforcing of the entire society to protect wildlife resources and retaining Awareness of the ecological poise , to ensure that wildlife resources and land ecological security. meantime increasing the masses the awareness to protect wildlife resources so that more volunteers to participate in the cause of protecting brutal beasts ,agricultural development, to comprehend and subserve the cause of protecting and promoting harmony among male and nature A nice environment to get by . National Nature Reserve in the northeast tiger in key districts to carry out a large-scale mutual patrol actions Qing Shan .
counting to the upon activities, we will also systematize assorted fashions of protection of Amur tigers and we would anticipate You to connect !
1. Volunteers ought be 20 annuals of age, citizens of 45 years of old , masculine or female
2. love the occasion of wildlife conservation , physical well have some field experience and more because the harsh surroundings Good mental endurance
3. are willing to disburse to clear sets of site vehicle , accommodation and buy of insurance and other prices
4. obedience activities punishment, team morale, willing to bear the risk of field work < br> 5. As local winter daytime temperatures in between -10 ℃ ~ -30 ℃ , and while there namely sleet , chilly arrangements should be done
Registration :
i volunteers tin go directly to the Office of Amur tiger preservation project Enrollment, bring 2 inch photo , duplicate of ID ; Registration: Beiyuan Road , Chaoyang District,toronto escort, Beijing No. 170 , Block C,shanghai escort, Room 1602 Triumph . You can likewise shriek 30. Consulting .
ii under to annotate aboard this treatise Way to depart your contact information , we will adjoin you for presently as possible .

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