Sunday, April 24, 2011

for whether a quickly oppression ascend apt the altitude of your pate

Today's weather seemed apt be very needy, for whether a quick oppression rise to the altitude of your head ! do not understand how God , namely no there where the couple broke up poignant ....< br> God in a wrong mood We get a follow reduced mood it! love I fair saw a movie , get a feel worse , and hey ...
However, consider of portly , how much will I am amused that in a bad mood , play with her I will be so cheerful so cheerful! merely ...... if she does not feel good, then we both have to fight it! antecedent I all say to depressed people nothing to do , engage in deep, immediately Think , Oh, is that time is also small to know to melodrama !
have anything to say , do not know what to mention , forget it ! hope namely the globe actually love the folk ( 55% of the couples are not really in love Of !) hope you will not be affected in such weather , cherish the people nigh you Oh !

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