Thursday, May 5, 2011


Xing Chen Stainless Steel Group just create dissimilar permanent environmental protection area in Brazil .1,247 hectares - the equivalent of 1100 full football field - situated in Ouro Branco Mountains , spindle Gerais,shanghai escort, and habitat as many endangered species of plants and wildlife As maned wolves and porcupines , Brazil . Reserve and production collaboration among Chen Xing stainless steel ingot Gerais environmental systems SISEMA ( countries) at the National Forest Research Institute .
(Reserva Natural Private maintenance districts - RPPN special apt do Patrimonio Louis . Carlos Jurovsky Tamassia) is a voluntary initiative apt take stainless iron Chen Xing . In addition , it is everlasting, irrevocable, in nature ,beijing escort, along to the system of conservation ( no .9.985/2000 SNUC Brazilian law) . actively seeking Help defend and maintain the biological diversity, and strengthened the commitment of stainless steel Chen Xing protection and sustainable use of natural resources .
this reserve , In Brazil 's tropical savannah , and to scientific research and environmental education ambition be flat, Branco Mountains , and boundaries Gerais pound do Cadeia Espinhaco zero mile-marker. Reserve is typical of Atlantic Forest vegetation cover of the conversion .
infrequent plants in Brazil ,people at his own the power of dedication and nature, tin be base in the keep, such for Vriesea minarum,shanghai massage, a plant Family bromeliad species listed as jeopardized in Brazil . Dyckia ourobrancoensis too found in the reserve, a plant found only in the wall of the Ouro Branco Mountains. in this species namely study, issued in . The maned wolf , and Brazil as porcupines .
reserve treatment plan under access ,shanghai massage, the 1st step is to behave a detailed analysis , all-inclusive eco-regions, including all plants , animals, and water .

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